Today’s Mysteries


1. Could Jimmy Hoffa really be buried underneath a driveway in Roseville, Michigan?
2. What has Courtney Stodden done to her face? She claims that she’s stopped using the spray tan that made her look like a cross between a Vegas extra and a Bengal tiger, but it looks like she may have snuck in a nose job. The bridge definitely looks thinner.

Beware the Ex-Girlfriend Face Tattoo


I’m not sure which is scarier: The fact that Chad Ochocinco got a tattoo of his estranged wife Evelyn Lozada’s face, or the fact that he believes that doing so will somehow bring her back to him. Is the ex-girlfriend face tattoo the modern equivalent of Van Gogh’s ‘ear in a box’ move? On a recent episode of Inkmaster, one of the contestants wanted a giant cartoon of his ex-girlfriend from two years ago. If you unexpectedly see yourself on someone’s else’s body, it’s time to run!

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