Baby, or burrito?

Want to avoid the ‘Am I going to be the father of a baby, or a burrito?’ conversation through lawyers? Don’t automatically believe anyone who claims to be on the Pill, have had a vasectomy, be infertile, or otherwise magically unable to conceive. Protect yourself until you are ready for parenthood!

Sex, Sleuthing, and Shots on the Radio

Tonight I’m a guest on Neil Strauss’s new Sirius radio show, The Inner Circle. Taping was a blast: We discuss sex and marriage, which naturally leads to discussion of death, prostitution, cheating, whisky shots and one guest threatening suicide. I wasn’t the instigator of a man threatening to kill himself (though honestly, if I had been it probably would not have been the first time!) You can get a free 30-day trial here. Check it out! 

Relationship ‘Blind Spots’

Even if a surveillance is perfectly planned, there is always the danger of a ‘blind spot’: The unexpected moving van, the gardener or the lost tourist who blocks my view. Relationships have blind spots too, and it’s almost always hardest to see your own. That’s where I come in!

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